A Slow Pace

A slow pace is countercultural because my culture values achievement and goals. Focusing deeper on less goes against the more and instant that daily seeks me out. A slow pace must be a deliberate choice, which is so difficult to make when automatic and addictive behaviors are fed.

Yet, a slow pace calls to my soul. A pace that walks like Jesus did with purpose but never with interruption and that regularly took time with those closest to him and with the Heavenly Father. It’s a pace that values planting, watering, cultivating, and waiting. It’s one that stays connected to the vine and that seeks humility and a quiet life.

It’s not a slower pace, because that is subject to comparison. Instead, it’s a slow pace that is based on the leading of the Spirit. It’s a pace that has increasingly called to me and is now saying, “Wait. Reflect. Rest. Heal.”

The “work hard” (Colossians 3:23) and “make every effort” (2 Peter 1:5-8) verses seem to go against a slow pace at first glance. However, working hard at all I do glorifies God, and making every effort grows and strengthens my faith. They don’t instruct me to do more but encourage more with what I do. They encourage quality and depth, not busyness and competitive achievement.

A Quiet Life

“Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: You should mind your own business and work with your hands.” (1 Thessalonians 4:11)

A quiet life encourages quality and not living based on emotions (i.e., drama). It is both an internal and an external state and comes as I work hard for a quality of living that pleases God and make every effort to grow in my knowledge of him.

To some extent, a slow pace is a different pace for every person. Quality and depth are obvious, though, regardless of the pace. A quiet life is also subjective as are what it looks like for a person to work hard and make every effort.

Finding My Pace

As I seek to find my pace within this quiet life forming around me, I discover much in the Bible guiding my way. For instance, I am instructed to:

  1. Break up the fallow ground. Seek the Lord. Do some weeding of my heart. Let new character form. (Hosea 10:11-12; Exodus 23:11; Nehemiah 10:31; Proverbs 13:23; Jeremiah 4:3)
  2. Please God, not man. Regularly let my mind be renewed, so I can know what pleases him. (Romans 12:2)
  3. Seek a slow pace. Simplify. Avoid comparisons. Make every effort to grow. Work hard to create quality growth as I live a quiet life. Go deeper, not wider. (Psalm 46:10)

I’m finding my pace through mental cultivation and humility along with new motivation for depth and quality over volume of knowledge. It’s a pace increasingly further outside the flow of my culture, which has only led me to overwhelm and overload. This pace is one of discovery and hope instead of discontent and heaviness. It’s one that continually draws me further up and further in (The Last Battle by C.S. Lewis).