After spending a couple of hours on a specific task with a specific goal and getting nowhere except frustrated and annoyed, I gave up. At least for now anyway. Perhaps it’s my ignorance or lack of skills causing my wheels to spin, or maybe it’s simply a stop sign telling me to wait.
Pushing through obstacles when there’s a stop sign only causes crashes. I’m not saying that we shouldn’t push through struggles. The title of this blog site clearly indicates my belief otherwise. However, some struggles exist to change our direction or path, some exist to get us to stop and wait for traffic to clear, and others are meant to simply be pushed through.
Change Directions
Exercise has been a part of my life since I was a teenager. Yet, no matter what method, intensity, or frequency I choose, my body cannot handle the level of exercise I envision as ideal. My body continually, mostly through injury and fatigue, sends me messages letting me know what I can and cannot handle.
I’ve had to significantly change direction regarding exercise, and my view of victory in that area has had to change too. Sometimes we must take a different route to our planned destination. And sometimes, the destination must change.
Stop and Wait
Along the road to any victory, there are places we need to stop and wait. The waiting was often just for the traffic to clear before moving forward, but sometimes it is to recalculate the route and choose a completely different path. Always, it seems, the stopping is for my benefit. Sometimes, I needed to rest and refuel, and sometimes I need to be protected from the huge truck barreling through the intersection. I also sometimes need to realize I am completely the wrong way and that my choices were simply mistakes.
Push Through
When I hit 30, my health began to decline. Doctor after doctor and diagnosis after diagnosis and only symptoms were being treated. I knew there was a root cause, and I was determined to find it. After 10 years of struggling and pushing, the cause was pinpointed, and the road to victory discovered. Had I not pushed through the many obstacles, my health would still be on the decline.
Some struggles serve to test our persistence as we push through them to victory. Stopping is simply not an option. As we hit dead ends along the way, we did need to change routes and pursue the victory waiting at the end of the road. We just need to figure out the right road.
God in the Struggle
God does not allow temptations we cannot bear without giving us a way out (1 Corinthians 10:13). He either gives us a way to bear it (i.e., push or struggle through) or another route to follow.
He also wants us to rest in him instead of relying on ourselves. He wants us to stop and bask in His protection and grace and allow Him to be Lord of our lives.
“Be still and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10).
Victory waits on the other side of a struggle, though it is often not achieved the way we envision. It rarely looks exactly how we imagined it would when we get there, either.
In daily stillness before God. In the perfection of His Word. In the act of spinning our wheels. God is there directing traffic. Signs are Everywhere. We simply must take time to see and obey them.
"Some struggles serve to test our persistence …" From a coaching perspective, I want to set up obstacles to test players, to see who will "push through" and learn from the experience. It's those struggles, coupled with wisdom and godly counsel, that truly build a person up in his or her character. Good word today, Kari.
Kari Scare
Building character, boy do I think about that a lot as a parent. Obstacles definitely test, and a wise coach uses them in this way. I've talked with my youngest son many times about having to work through tough stuff. He has a tendancy to quit or give less effort when "it's hard." He is learning and growing as we go through these struggles together. Thanks!
I talked with one player recently who'd forgotten his baseball cap on the day we took team pictures. He didn't want to talk to the head coach but I couldn't help him with the problem. The other coach said, "Sorry, you won't be in the picture then." Other arrangements allowed the player to be in the picture. Later I told him. "If you learn two lessons, you'll do well in life. Learn to deal with failure, because it happens to everyone. Learn to face the person you have to face when you've screwed up." I'm still working on both lessons because it's easier to repeat them than live them.
Kari Scare
This is why we insist our boys play at least one sport. (The youngest would play every sport if we let him, and the oldest is a runner.) Coaches have such terrific opportunities to teach kids valuable life lessons. Even if the coach doesn't do this, and sadly not all do, we take the opportunities as parents to teach life lessons based on sports experiences. Our youngest really gets these sports-related lessons so much better than any others we teach him. Can he come be on your team? The idea of learning to face the person when you have screwed up is a huge one, and I have learned it by watching my husband's example. He's terrific at this. I'm much better at just hiding and avoiding people, but that's not how God meant us to live.
I'm more like you when it comes to confrontation but, like you, I have someone who models courage and proper response when confrontation is necessary. I respect him a great deal and am grateful for both his example and his friendship.
Kari Scare
Modeling is important, and we never grow out of needing it. We just grow into being one more and more. I peay often for my boys to be surrounded by godly people to model for them.
Spencer McDonald
Maybe pushing through an obstacle in our life is a test. That struggle you are pushing to overcome may just be the key to unlock something bigger in your life. On the other hand, it is just as you describe, an unworthy struggle. And how do we know if we don’t go through the struggle.
I am having a struggle in my life right now. I intend to push through and develop that personal development program I have dreamed about for 20 years. The kids are gone. The house is quiet. I have the time. Yet, I struggle to start. I struggle to move forward. I struggle with my plan. My question is… am I on the right path or living a pipe dream. It is frustrating.
I think I will mediate on it and pray about it. Thanks.
Kari Scare
Struggles do tend to be the key to unlocking the next step, that is for certain. Relationships – especially the one with God – is built and strengthened by going through struggles. If for no other reason, relationships are why we should push through and do our best to follow the signs along the way. There is great wisdom in simply meditating and praying before moving forward. Sometimes – often and usually – this waiting is where we God works and gets us ready for His perfect timing. I pray that you hear His wisdom and guidance as you pray and meditate on this dream.
Mary Jeffries
I have learned God makes all things beautiful in HIS time. Sometimes even if it is just a short break to refocus and say a prayer for guidance, turning to Him helps me know what to do next. Stop and wait, or keep pushing.
Kari Scare
That He definitely does. Too often, we forget to turn to Him for guidance (signs if you will) before we push forward. At least, that is a mistake I make frequently.
This is so true. I've seen some of my greatest successes and my greatest lessons come from adapting to obstacles. Sometimes you plow through, sometimes you go around, sometimes you figure out another way entirely. It requires you to step back and look at what you really want to accomplish. It's easy sometimes to get so caught up in the obstacle that you forget why you're doing it in the first place. And the process teaches you creativity that will come in handy later in the next obstacle.
Kari Scare
Your last point is a great one. The idea that the process gives us creativity to apply in the future is so important and so true.