Alone in a Crowd
Overwhelmed. Overlooked. Taken for granted. Words that defined how I saw myself. A reality I accepted all too easily as truth.
In this reality, I blamed myself for failed dreams, fear, and nonexistent motivation. The struggle simply weighed too heavily, and I looked for reasons to quit.
This struggle describes two areas that defined so much of who I was. Chronic depression existed as a lens through which I saw the world, and writing served to give that perspective an outlet that heals rather than destroys.
Depression almost ended me on more than one occasion. Writing served as a deterrent, an outlet and escape, almost every time. Until one day it didn’t. On that day, they merged into a mental monster that almost wrote the end of the story.
When depression became the reason I wrote and and writing rarely existed outside of it, the struggle with overwhelm, lost motivation, and self doubt consumed me. Feeling constantly outside of others’ reality increased my fears of rejection and became my operating system.
When adding more activity and looking to please others failed to bring any relief, the weight of each step grew even heavier. Alone in a crowd. Looking for respite of any sort. None came until I made a choice to see it.
A Daily Choice
Refusing to be consumed by this reality comes as a daily choice. A choice to allow my struggles to be a part of who I am but to not let them direct my steps. Instead of fear over what others might think of me because of my struggle with depression or how they judge what I write outside of what feels comfortable, I decided to let the desire to cage the monster through writing be my focus.
Coupled with encouragement from those who struggle with me, writing became the medium through which I could not only defeat depression but help others do the same. Likewise, defeating depression has become the focus leading me through the procrastination and fear that too often come with writing.
Overwhelmed. Overlooked. Taken for granted. Real struggles with depression and writing alike. Pushing through. Persevering. Doing so because it matters to me. This allows me to overcome the daily struggle that would otherwise consume me. I determine the path to take because the struggle to victory means goals come within reach and doubts are crushed.
You're right Kari, you have to beat down doubts every day. I do believe the enemy loves to keep us defeated. I've struggled with anxiety for years. It's so much better than it used to be, but I still have to replace anxious thoughts with the truth of God's promises and reminders of HIs past faithfulness. Thanks for faithfully pointing us to the truth!
My recent post The Most Important Things to Know about Humility
Kari Scare
Living defeated means we've quit struggling and the enemy has won. Struggling means we haven't given up, and that's crucial to understand. Reminding ourselves of what God has done, what he's doing and what he promises to do is the key for continuing to struggle while at the same time living in victory.
Good job Kari. You have taken a very positive route to beating down doubts. Some hide. Some disappear in a cloud of smoke or some other crutch. it is the winner who says, "NO. You will not defeat me!"
My recent post Respite
Kari Scare
The route as you put it has been a long journey, very quest-like actually. Refuse to quit. Persevere. That's the only way through. Thanks!