Quiet Please!
Libraries used to be quiet places to study and read with minimal distraction. Not so anymore. At least, not at my local public library. People are on computers watching videos without using earphones. Others talk on cell phones at conversational volumes. Some use the library for meetings. Even patrons looking for books and the librarians shelving them talk as if they were in their living rooms.
On a hike through the woods, others listen to radios without headphones. In their homes, many people have the television on most of the day “for noise.” Then there are those who believe they cannot fall asleep without some sort of white noise.
Less and less silence exists for many people and seeking it out — even in places where silence used to be common — is becoming increasingly difficult. More and more people seem unable to exist in quietness, and most don’t think that’s a problem.
Avoiding Silence
Many people avoid silence because they don’t want to hear their own thoughts. Some want to avoid the nudge of their conscience or the Holy Spirit. Still others simply don’t want to think about their problems or process their feelings because doing so is often so very difficult.
Sometimes, silence is avoided because of an addiction to entertainment. Often, it’s a habit of laziness or apathy that leads to existing without thinking.
Unfortunately, avoiding silence eventually has serious negative impact. By not spending time with our thoughts and processing our feelings, we often end up letting culture dictate our thinking and our behavior. The result of avoiding silence is, usually, an uncontrolled thought life.
Not valuing silence often tells us a lot about our belief systems. It can also tell us what’s important to us and what we are trying to avoid.
The Need for Silence
We need balance between the noise we encounter and the silence we seek. Certainly, a completely silent and isolated existence does not create a healthy mental or spiritual state. We need connection. Our culture is not one where many people live in too much silence, though, and too much noise often lies at the heart of many people’s chaotic lives.
In all the noise, we often miss out on a crucial path to balance that only silence can provide. We need silence to:
- Connect with our deeper selves.
- Process our interactions and the ideas.
- Sort the information that comes at us constantly in our busy and noisy world.
- Grow as individuals.
“Creative engagement with our internal processes allows us to discover more of who we are, to take in previously hidden aspects of ourselves, and to reconfigure ourselves, if we so choose. This is what allows us to be more deeply authentic in the present moment.” (Bob Edelstein, “The Power of Silence”)
We need silence to be who we were made to be and to do what we were purposed to do. There is tremendous benefit from regular silence, including in our discipleship and in our spiritual growth.
Great post! It's a coincidence that I woke up this morning and actually recognized how quiet the house was. The AC was in it's "not quite hot enough to be on" state, the ceiling fan was off and it was too early for Mr. "I'm riding my Harley to work again" to be roaring past our bedroom window. There was so much silence that I thanked God for bringing His peace over our house.
Kari Scare
I had the same sort of experience yesterday morning. We went camping this weekend, and while I consider being in nature "silence," it's not exactly quiet. When I woke up at home Monday morning, the house was truly silent compared to the campground. God orchestrates opportunities for silence that will bless us, and they are usually opportunities for us to draw closer to Him.
That's a great point Kari. It's like the silence is an invitation to come closer to Him because He's gonna whisper something…
Kari Scare
And His whispers… Oh, I don’t want to miss those!
i think our culture is so noisy because we don't want to hear what we may hear. i seldom have quiet, except when I am studying or having my Quiet Time. I listen to music when I work out or when I am driving. If I am washing the truck, I want music. (I don't however, have headphones when I ride my bike. I just sing songs in my head). Silence means hearing and listening. Sometimes what we hear is too deafening.
Kari Scare
I agree. What we hear in silence can be deafening, especially if we've trained ourselves to not hear it for so long. But, gradually, we can learn to appreciate silence again. I've also learned that silence isn't necessarily quiet. I can have silence, say when I'm reading, where I block out the noise around me and where it's really not quiet. Part of the discipline of silence is understanding the importance of silence and why we have gotten to a place of avoidance.
Quiet On The Set – Discipline of Silence Part I | Planned Peasanthood
[…] left the potential length of the series open-ended for my part; Kari’s first entry is here and I am linking blindly. I have not read her post prior to beginning my own, but you can bet I […]
You know me, late to the party 🙂
My contribution is up now, sis – I will be calling sometime tomorrow, I think 🙂
Good stuff – we're in synch 😀
Kari Scare
Will adjust the link in my post a bit now that yours is up. Will be out quite a bit again today, but so goes summertime with my boys home with me.
Don't know why, but I'm up now, after a bedtime of 2:30 AM, so I'm at work 🙂
Kari Scare
Too late to be up! My brain seems to stay on auto pilot in the mornings, even more so if I can\’t sleep. I just do not think well on lack of sleep. Enjoying some quiet time, listening to the rain… \”silence\” of nature is very relaxing. Want to get in this quiet time before my boys want to interact; otherwise…
mark allman
I believe even in noise we don't listen. It allows us to tune out; to go into an automatic mode where we don't think we just react to life. Noise takes away those opportunities to think and plan and wonder. What was the last thing we spent time wondering on? So noise in some ways allows us to check out; to not deal with the real issues of life; to slide through life instead of walking purposely.
I so agree with Chashutch in that God is not going to shout to get our attention. We need to train ourselves to listen and to work to turn down the noise and turn up our thinking.
Kari Scare
So many excellent points in your comment! Noise alllows us to operate in auto mode and leads us to react to life. It allows us to check out & slide through with little effort toward self discipline & purpose. We must train ourselves to walk with purpose & to live deliberately, and I just don\’t think it\’s possible when our lives are filled with noise & when we lack the balance that quiet time can bring.
Wow – your library is different than ours! If we even answer our phones in a quiet voice in the library we get a shushing from the librarians! I think our culture is probably noisy because we like to be entertained. Silence is essential because we need it to talk to God and to be aware of His presence. We have lots of silence available in Montana – most of us in western MT don't even have air conditioners because it usually cools off at night, even in the summers. I especially love hiking, camping, and backpacking because I'm also away from the "noise" of having the computer available even if I don't have it on.
Kari Scare
My library is just one example. There are others where noise is pushing out silence. I think wanting to be entertained is a big part of it and that this desire is linked to instant gratification too. I love hiking too and am learning to enjoy camping for that reason. Although, camping has become a place where silence is less and less too. People are simply not considerate of others, playing radios and allowing kids to be up and noisy until very late. I love being in nature to escape noisiness, but that is even getting harder to find. I love getting away from the "noise" of electronics too. I've read some about how they are actually changing our brains, and I don't like the idea of that happening at all.
I've heard that too, Kari. If the computer "noise" is too loud, I start my antisocial app (which keeps you off websites like Facebook, emails, etc) for a predetermined set of time or just unplug my router. For some reason that helps me ignore it!
Kari Scare
Good idea, Barb. When we go camping, I turn my tablet off as soon as we get to the campground and leave it in my car for the weekend. I have been known to not even take it on vacation with me. I am using it less and less and enjoying the freedom from it. I don't take it to church either, and my husband has stop taking his iphone. Am learning to make it a tool to help me be more effective and not something that becomes a part of my constant thoughts, if that makes sense.
Yes, it makes sense. 🙂
TC Avey
I don't know why our culture is so noisy but I'd like it to quiet down 🙂
From TV to radio,
Facebook to blogs,
there is rarely a place that is silent. Even our churches don't value silence. We can have a great worship service, anointed preaching but as soon as we think church should be over we are out the door. We don't stop to see if God wants to say anything else. We don't like the silence, we want to HEAR, DO And GO when it comes to church. At least this is most of my experience with church.
Kari Scare
I completely agree, T.C. The culture of noise has gotten into our churches for sure. I guess we just need to be the examples wherever possible of how quiet and silence can transform a life. The struggle I am having even with that is people seeing me able to live it but thinking it's out of reach for them. I don't know how to close that barrier…
Mark Allman
I also think noise gives a false sense of security when one feels the noise means things are getting accomplished and things are moving well. It must be because so much is going on. Noise masks the truth.
Kari Scare
I agree, Mark. Noise often creates the illusion of productivity, especially when a person’s life is filled with it & completely absent of silence & quiet. Our spirits need time to process life, and we just cannot do this well without that down time.
The Discipline of Silence, Part II | Struggle to Victory
[…] The Discipline of Silence, Part I […]
It’s Not Just For Monks Anymore – Discipline of Silence Part III | Planned Peasanthood
[…] who you start with, you’re bound to get good sound stuff – but visit her posts (Part I here and Part II here) so you can get the full benefit. My previous posts? Just keep scrolling. Now, […]
Although I enjoy music, when I am working I do NOT like any background noise. It is the same when we approach God — come before His presence with a joyful heart ready to listen.
Kari Scare
I'm the same way. We need add nothing to His presence.
Saturday Shortcuts | Planned Peasanthood
[…] to Victory | The Discipline of Silence, Part I – Yes, Kari did her usual good job with this tag-team approach. […]
What a great post! In a noise world we need to learn how to take time for silence. I try and make time to be silent (which is hard for me) so I can reflect, think, and allow God to speak to me.
I think society uses noise as a distraction from the pain of life. If they can be busy and distracted they won’t have to face the issues or problems they have.
Great thoughts!
Kari Scare
Good job for being deliberate about silence, Dan! Keep it up! I agree that society uses noise to distract from the pain of life. What a difference it would make if we dealt instead of avoided.
In The Secret – Discipline Of Silence Part IV | Planned Peasanthood
[…] her runner’s respite and me here at my little bistro on the web. You can catch up on her posts (Part I and Part II) where I’ve linked them. We coordinated our start date, and nothing else was […]
Grace Foul & Mercy Rule | Struggle to Victory
[…] The Discipline of Silence, Part I […]
Loren Pinilis
I think we live in an entertainment obsessed culture – and a culture that is obsessed with always DOING something. We also have the technology to make that a reality.
But you make a powerful challenge here about the value of silence. Something to really think about. Do we – do I – have enough silence in my life?
Kari Scare
Our culture definitely works against this discipline. We have to be very deliberate about not getting sucked into it, and a regular quiet time is one way to do that. If we do nothing, we'll get sucked up by our culture. That I know for sure.
Amplifying Silence – Struggle to Victory
[…] writing The Discipline of Silence, Part I and Part II, the topic continually comes up in conversation. But instead of hearing a desire for […]
A Gentle & Quiet Spirit – Struggle to Victory
[…] all too easily. Take the time to hide a “gentle and quiet spirit” deep within by developing a Discipline of Silence and by constantly returning to the Lord where “quietness and confidence” brings strength […]
Curing Spiritual Vertigo – Struggle to Victory
[…] naughty and nice list, doing so almost always clears the fog and helps reset priorities. Developing The Discipline of Silence is one approach for creating more stillness and quiet in your […]