No Discrimination

“Even youths will become exhausted, and young men will give up. But those who wait on the Lord will find new strength. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.” (Isaiah 40:30-31)

The implication in these well-known verses seems to be that discouragement does not discriminate based on age. Personal experience tells me it does not discriminate based on much of anything. In other words, everyone gets discouraged.

These verses also tell us that encouragement that lasts comes from the Lord. It comes in his timing, and it exists in endless supply.

The Basis of God’s Encouragement

Isaiah 40:30-31 provides concluding thoughts that come after a series of rhetorical questions and factual statements about God. These statements provide the basis of his perpetual encouragement. They tell us that:

  • The Lord sees our troubles.
  • The Lord hears what we have to say.
  • God is everlasting.
  • He is the creator.
  • God never grows faint or gets weary.
  • His understanding is immeasurable.

Then comes the crux of why knowing God is essential. It’s also the substance behind these concluding verses.

“He gives power to those who are tired and worn out; he offers strength to the weak.” (Isaiah 40:29).

God sees our troubles and hears us in our distress. He has proven himself to us time and time again, and he never gets tired. His understanding is unending. He who created the world also gives us his power and strength.

Muscle Fatigue and Tension

Tension wears a person out. It comes when we try to do too much in our own strength. Physically, mentally, and spiritually, our muscles fatigue. These fatigued muscles then develop knots of tension that drain our energy and cause symptomatic issues than then distract us from the real problem.

Letting God’s power and strength energize us relieves tension because he helps us realize we aren’t doing the work on our own. We don’t have to generate the energy and willpower to keep going because he gives us his power and strength to operate within his will.

When you feel the tension that comes with feeling alone and like no one understands what you’re going through, know that God understands. When you feel tired, weak, and worn out in any way – physically, mentally, or spiritually – know that God is offering you his power and strength.

So, sit back, remember all that God has done for you already, and wait for him. As you refocus on him, new strength will encourage and motivate you.